All things are poisons, for there is nothing without poisonous qualities.
It is only the dose which makes a thing poison.”

-Paracelsus, 1493-1541. “Father of Toxicology”

The argument above – “All things are poisons…”, is an interesting one when we are talking about apples and potatoes. I personally never eat white potatoes because they are part of the “Night Shade” family of vegetables, containing compounds called “glycoalkaloids”, which for some people, have nasty symptoms when eaten regularly. I avoid them all because of how they affect my gut and joints. I have chosen not to risk pain and enlarged joints over eating tomatoes…

Paracelsus, the Father of Toxicology, was firm in his beliefs about doses and his quote, “All things are poisons…” may have made sense in the fifteenth century, before phthalates, bisphenols and organophosphorus flame retardants came onto the scene. During the last sixty or so years, these chemicals have exploded into our world, invading our homes in cleaning and personal care products, paints and building materials, furniture and our food. They are everywhere, surrounding us in our waking hours and as we sleep. So, perhaps Paracelsus was right when he said that, “It is only the dose that makes a thing poison…”. We are now, however, (over)-dosed to the max…

By healing yourself, you are healing the planet…”
– Caroline Myss

Organophosphate Pesticide ChlorpyrifosUsed to combat pests in urban dwellings.

After the Woolsey Fire swept through my community in 2018, destroying 110 homes in Agoura Hills and over 1000 homes a few miles away in Malibu, there was an infestation of rats that ran through the streets, looking for food and shelter. It was a problem for the remaining homes and, although the residents were asked not to use harmful pesticides to kill them, there was frustration and fear causing some people to use them. Of course, the pesticides killed, not only the rodents they were intended for, but also some neighborhood pets and animals who were not a problem. 

These chemicals used for pest control can be spread by touching and breathing; in women exposed during pregnancy, they are known to lower infant size and birth weight. Although the EPA says they are safe, the children affected by these substances can lose 3-5 IQ points, leading to earning less income over their lifespan.

The Brain and Thyroid Talk Through Chemicals

PBDES – Flame Retardants: Chemicals derived from bromine have been around since the 1970’s, when people were smoking heavily inside their homes. To try and avoid mattresses from going up in flames, companies added retardants to plastics woven into furniture like sofas, chairs, mattresses and other household items. That new car smell in foam car seats is most likely the PBDES’, along with electronics, wire insulation and carpets. Children’s toys, clothing and other childhood items were added to the list, which likely has created the epidemic of hypothyroid issues in children, leading to lower brain function as they become adults.

Organophosphorus flame retardants (used to replace PBDEs): These substitutions for the old flame retardants may be a “regrettable substitution”. According to Dr. Tremende’s research, these chemicals are added during the manufacturing process, but not actually bound to the products in which they were meant for (your couch). As a result, they have been found in dust in homes, offices and cars where we ingest them as we touch our faces (two to five times every minute).

Perchlorate: Had you ever imagined that the same stuff used to prevent static cling on plastic wrap, baggies and paper packages is also used to make rocket fuel, missiles, fireworks, flares and explosives. This chemical, along with Thiocyanate, found in cigarette smoke and Nitrate, used in fertilizers all interfere with the uptake of iodine, needed for thyroid hormone production. One would need to consume a lot of seaweed to increase their iodine levels after being exposed daily to these chemicals.

Bisphenol A (BPA): This well known, synthetic Estrogen is used in the lining of nearly all food and beverage cans and is on the coating of thermal paper receipts (even though it’s been banned from baby bottles and sippy cups). It was known as a less potent agent than DES to prevent miscarriages during pregnancy. Although you can find “BPA free” labels on plastic bottles and cans – beware – there are plenty more potent substitutes: BPP, BPF, BPS, BPZ and BPAP are just a few.

Phthalates: These are the chemicals used in personal care products, lotions, cosmetics, shampoos, candles and the like, to “enhance” their scents and smells. While they are busy “enhancing”, they are also interfering with hormone production, most commonly blocking Thyroid hormones. Millions of women have Thyroid issues, and these chemicals could be why…They are ubiquitous and diverse, contributing also to issues with obesity, metabolic and reproductive effects. In men, the phthalates used in cosmetics have been shown to block testosterone while others used in food packaging and flooring can act as estrogens. 

Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs): Because of their non-stick characteristics, these chemicals are used in textiles, furniture and cookware. They are known as “long-chain” PFASs, and are most commonly used in non-stick products like Teflon cookware. These chemicals produce a long line of problems, including interfering with thyroid hormone binding, harmful effects on brain development in babies, fetal growth and birth weight. In communities where PFASs are made, chemicals called GenX replaced them, with greater effects on fetal growth and birth weight and nearby water contamination. According to Dr. Linda Birnbaum, Director of the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences, “Even if they have a shorter half-life, it’s going to build up in your body.”

We are one – We serve the whole…”
– Caroline Myss

I believe this is the time to think ahead and make changes – for ourselves and the Planet. Using the work of Leonardo Trasande, M.D., from his book, “Sicker Fatter Poorer”, and continuing the information from the last blog, I have listed some of the common chemicals in our environment to be aware of. Learning about them, we can make different choices. So many of these evil substances are hidden – how would we know how to protect ourselves, our families and communities. Don’t be fooled. In the next blog, I will list different ways to avoid them, using safe alternatives. 

As I was writing this blog, I found a video from Carolyn Myss, called “Gathering Jewels for Your Soul” (embedded below). This was a workshop she taught over nine months ago, with no knowledge of the pandemic, yet the teachings from this video were as if she was talking to us today. We all know that the planet can’t continue like this, as though we are all separate, as if my country is better than yours, my religion, my family, my dog…. We can’t continue with borders, with separate Gods, with chemicals that are poisoning us and shortening the lives of our children. That’s old, old thinking…

As the new science of Epigenetics tells us, the hormone disrupters our children are exposed to today will affect their children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren. Change is not in our genes; change is in the chemicals, food and lifestyle habits we choose. When you make choices, you affect generations to come.

In the next blog, I will do my very best to list ways to eliminate the toxicity around us and clean up our world. Every time I make a positive change, I make that change for you – It’s an act of love…x

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