You can change human beings. You
can change their structure, and in
changing their structure you are
able to change their function.”

Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.

I fell in love with bodywork after receiving sessions from very skilled practitioners over thirty-five years ago. At that time, Structural Integration Bodywork, or “Rolfing”, named after its founder, Ida P. Rolf, was becoming well known. Ida Rolf was a biologist who worked for the Rockefeller Institute and was an expert in the understanding of connective tissue – basically, the substance that holds us together. 

Although there are several forms of connective tissue, from the liquidity of blood, to the mineral density of bone, Fascia is the form of connective tissue that wraps our structure. The collagen in Fascia wraps each muscle and nerve fiber, covers bones and organs and creates sheaths that hold us together in sections. Healthy fascia creates graceful, liquid movement or, in the case of injuries and scars, including emotional trauma, can act like glue, becoming dehydrated and pulling our tissues inward. Watching a scar heal is like watching a more dehydrated form of Fascia create new tissue. Without it, we would literally fall apart.

Clearly, fascial tone, fascial span, is a basic contributing factor to bodily well-being.”

-Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.

I don’t know why – it’s a mystery to me, but from the time I was a small child I was intrigued and fascinated by touching muscle. I have distinct memories of being excited at seeing raw meat in the butcher’s case at the super market. Going food shopping with my mother was an adventure, knowing that I could look at and touch the packages of meat wrapped in clear Saran. What was this fantastic substance and what was the pull that drew me to it? I had no interest in eating it and at that early age, did not even understand that it was butchered muscle meat in those packages in the butcher’s case. Yet, I wanted to touch it and did poke my small fingers at it, until I was told to stop. 

What were these primal urges to touch the muscle in a child so young? It wasn’t until I discovered Structural Integration Bodywork, specifically, the work of Ida P. Rolf, that I returned to those memories and knew that I had come home.

…in this chemical elasticity of the Myofascia, you have a tool
to effect lasting change.”

-Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.

By the time I was ready to study this work and become certified as a Structural Integration practitioner, Dr. Rolf had died. Fortunately, Joseph Heller, a former physicist and President of the Rolf Institute had begun his own trainings and I did my certification through his teachings. What I appreciated about him was his inclusion of Dr. Rolf’s work in all of his classes; she was very much a part of the process and he didn’t change her work. I could hear her speaking through him.

What I also appreciated was his wonderful trainings on posture, body reading, movement and Voice Dialogue. It was a full and well rounded certification that focused on giving the patient/client the tools to carry on their process off the table. He emphasized that the work done off the table was actually most important and, over the years, as a practitioner of this work, Doctor of Chiropractic and Yoga Therapist, I have come to realize the truth in this. For those willing, I have included Yoga postures to match and combine with each session.

As he becomes more erect, man moves toward his evolutionary potential.”

-Ida P. Rolf, Ph.D.

Ida Rolf’s concept of postural alignment was the idea of stacked blocks. She taught that gravity was our constant teacher – at any age and any position. When our “blocks” are stacked well – long and balanced – the weight of gravity does not affect us in the same way as when they are not. In other words, we feel gravity more when our posture is not balanced and fluid.

Over the years, our lives in front of screens have become more sedentary and linear. As we become more and more hypnotized by our screens, our bodies are showing the wear and tear of these postures. These blogs will continue to build on teachings to help you change your posture and avoid pain from too much screen time. Continue reading.

Remember that our habits create the shapes we have by how we use them. Since studying this work and working with hundreds of patients I have come to realize this truth: We’re all Plastic. Bodies that are balanced and aligned do not create dis-ease…

If you are interested in online posture coaching, please contact us at for more information.